
Alcohol and Drug Information For Autistic adults

What is this website about?

ADIFA is a website that has been created to deliver tailored alcohol and drug information specifically for autistic adults.

The purpose of this website is to provide unbiased, non-judgemental information for autistic adults and to provide practical information on alcohol and drug issues should it be needed.

The information is split into four main topic areas:

Who developed this website and why?

ADIFA has been developed by a researcher as part of their PhD project, in conjunction with their supervisors.

ADIFA was developed to address the lack of tailored information on drug and alcohol topics specifically for autistic adults.

A study asking autistic adults about their preferences on alcohol and drug information, how it can be improved, and what they would like to see in a resource on this topic was first completed.

The ADIFA website was created with the results from the study and the feedback from autistic adults.

How is information in this website sourced?

The information used in ADIFA has been sourced from three primary places: published peer-reviewed research, published books, and relevant charity and government websites.

All the research studies used to create the information has been published and is peer-reviewed. This means the study has been reviewed by those not involved in the study to make sure the study is reliable and trustworthy.

The books used are written by credible authors who have experience within the area of alcohol, drugs and autism.

Information from charity and government websites has been used to provide practical information on support with alcohol and drug issues and what treatments are available. The websites used are all UK based and provide guidance and/or treatments for drug and alcohol issues.

You can find a full list of references and resources on the references & resources page.

If you would like to ask a question about the website or would like to get in touch for any other reason, please send us a message using the form below.

If you would like to ask a question or would like to get in touch for any other reason

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