Drugs, Alcohol & Addiction

Drugs, Alcohol & Addiction

The purpose of this section is to detail information on drugs, alcohol and addiction both generally and specifically on topics relating to autistic people.

This section details the mechanics of how drugs and alcohol work. This section also discusses whether drugs affect autistic people differently.

This section includes topics on:

  • How do Drugs and Alcohol Usually Work?
  • How Do Agonist Drugs Work?
  • How Do Antagonist Drugs Work?
  • Do drugs and alcohol affect autistic adults differently?

This section details information on what defines an addiction and how common it might be.

This section includes topics on:

  • What is an "Addiction"?
  • Physical Addiction
  • Psychological Addiction
  • How Common is Addiction?
  • How Common is Addiction for Autistic People?

This section provides information on the motivations behind drug and alcohol use.

This section includes topics on:

  • Why do people use alcohol and drugs?
  • Why do autistic people use drugs or alcohol?
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